The Republican Standard
- April 5, 2019
512 views 6 min

Earlier in the day, Democrats held their own pro-abortion rally which had just 60 people in attendance, showing a stark contrast compared to those who came out to support protections for the unborn.

The Republican Standard
- April 4, 2019
516 views 3 min

“This is good news for Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax, but a bad day for sexual assault survivors who simply want their chance to be heard,” said House Courts of Justice Committee Chairman Rob Bell. 

Alex Lemieux is a Richmond-based editor with The Republican Standard. ...
The Republican Standard
- April 3, 2019
488 views 3 min

Surely, voters in VA-5 won’t have their biscuits buttered just by a candidate chewin’ the fat over choppin’ wood, feedin’ cows, and “thangs” that “Mama” always said, especially when that may not be as authentic as one is led to believe. 

The Republican Standard
- April 2, 2019
508 views 8 min

“There should be no mistake about what has happened here: the alleged victims are seeking a bipartisan hearing; Republicans are seeking a bipartisan hearing; Democrats in the House of Delegates are refusing to allow that to happen,” charged Speaker of the House of Delegates Kirk Cox.

Alex Lemieux is a Richmond-based editor with The Republican Standard. ...
The Republican Standard
- April 1, 2019
476 views 5 min

Pro-life advocates will convene on Bank Street when the General Assembly gets back to business this week to “reject abortion extremism,” and show their disgust of those who supported the highly controversial late-term abortion bill and Governor Ralph Northam’s “infanticide” comments.

The Republican Standard
- April 1, 2019
488 views 5 min

Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax’s polygraph tests were conducted just before interviews with his accusers, Dr. Vanessa Tyson and Meredith Wilson, are set to air on national television Monday and Tuesday.

The Republican Standard
- March 30, 2019
460 views 2 min

The estimated amount of jobs that are said to come to the Hampton area associated with the relocation of the squadron sits between 600 and 800, and, of course, really, really cool airplanes.

Alex Lemieux is a Richmond-based editor with The Republican Standard. ...
The Republican Standard
- March 29, 2019
466 views 2 min

Parker Slaybaugh, a spokesman for House Speaker Kirk Cox, explains that Northam’s proposal is “not germane to the original legislation related only to work zones,” noting that legislators already failed to pass the sweeping prohibition on driving while holding a cell phone.

The Republican Standard
- March 29, 2019
442 views 3 min

Governor Ralph Northam is proposing increases in tractor-trailer registration fees and gas taxes statewide to put funding into the Interstate 81 Corridor Improvement Plan and other roadway projects throughout Virginia.

Alex Lemieux is a Richmond-based editor with The Republican Standard. ...
The Republican Standard
- March 28, 2019
519 views 3 min

In most competitive House districts across the Commonwealth, Republicans have outspent Democrats two-to-one on digital media via Facebook since the November midterm elections.