Sandbridge’s beaches will be replenished after Congressman Scott Taylor helped secure funding to provide the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers with what they need to protect the area from erosion-induced storm damage.
The king-making within establishment Democratic circles has forced out an African-American veteran running in the 40th House District in favor of Mr. Karaoke himself, Dan Helmer.
Trump Administration’s decision to rollback Obama-era emissions regulations received mixed responses from the oil and auto manufacturing industries and state attorney general.
The Trump Administration has levied economic sanctions of Erdogan’s Turkish government after denying to release American pastor Andrew Brunson, a rare condemnation to a NATO ally.
If you’re travelling though an airport and you think you’re being watched it’s probably because you’ve been flagged in the TSA’s broad security program Quiet Skies.
Comstock challenger Jennifer Wexton seems to believe that working to fight against MS-13 and violence from transnational gangs is racist, but instead proves she is out of touch with reality.