The Republican Standard
- January 11, 2019
421 views 3 min

The bill allows outpatient late term abortions, repeals informed consent and abdominal ultrasound requirements, eliminates the 24 hour waiting period, allows abortionists to self-certify third trimester abortions, and exempts abortion clinics from health and safety standards.

The Republican Standard
- September 12, 2018
439 views 7 min

Even though Judge Brett Kavanaugh has provided the Senate Judiciary Committee with clear answers to their concerns surrounding his past rulings, even how he may rule in some cases, issues surrounding abortion rights and executive powers, it is not enough for Virginia Senator Mark Warner, who will vote “no” to confirm the D.C. Circuit Court judge to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Alex Lemieux is a Richmond-based editor with The Republican Standard. ...
The Republican Standard
- August 28, 2018
452 views 7 min

“Planned Parenthood ends the lives of 325,000 babies each year – that’s about 900 babies everyday,” Kentucky Senator Rand Paul said as he charged Republicans in the Senate to defund the abortion advocacy group.

The Republican Standard
- May 18, 2018
429 views 4 min

The Trump Administration has announced that they will propose a measure to slash the case going to taxpayer-funded abortion organizations like Planned Parenthood under Title X.

The Republican Standard
- October 1, 2017
419 views 7 min

There is so little that distinguishes today’s liberal Christians from the ancient Pagans to whom the gospel was originally preached, they would be more honest in dropping the name “Christian,” and adopting once again the title of Pagan. Before I continue, the term liberal Christian is used in a theological and moral context, and not […]

Summa Cum Laude historian out of Old Dominion University and former Virginia bureaucrat. Currently serving God at Westminster Theo ...
The Republican Standard
- August 15, 2017
415 views 4 min

The Democratic Party’s obsession with abortion imposes a dangerous litmus test in an environment where they are clearly losing the contest of ideas.

The Republican Standard
- August 15, 2017
450 views 3 min

Moral value for Harman is dependent on the existential ability to self-authenticate, to determine one’s own potential. Moral value for Anglin is dependent on the economic ability to self-sustain, to determine one’s own potential.

Summa Cum Laude historian out of Old Dominion University and former Virginia bureaucrat. Currently serving God at Westminster Theo ...
The Republican Standard
- August 12, 2017
366 views 12 min

The pro-abortion camp is losing the empirical debate on life. This is why people like Harman are now resorting to questions of moral value and status rather than that of life.

Summa Cum Laude historian out of Old Dominion University and former Virginia bureaucrat. Currently serving God at Westminster Theo ...