The Republican Standard
- February 3, 2023
664 views 2 min

A new Gallup poll finds Americans’ satisfaction with the nation’s health care system, which had been steadily rising until 2010, has sunk to record lows over the last 12 years under Obamacare. “For the first time in Gallup’s two-decade trend, less than half of Americans are complimentary about the quality of U.S. healthcare, with 48% […]

Donny Ferguson is the editor of DonnyFerguson.com. ...
The Republican Standard
- April 2, 2019
498 views 2 min

Medicare X would leave the existing healthcare system cemented under former President Barack Obama intact, but would create a public option for Medicare provisions.

The Republican Standard
- March 27, 2019
520 views 3 min

After removing the Obamacare “individual mandate” in his tax reform legislation, President Donald Trump could be looking for the “repeal and replace” provision he touted when running for office.

The Republican Standard
- March 12, 2019
503 views 3 min

Although the plan is impossible to pass with a Democratic majority in Congress, leaving Virginia in control of Medicaid funding via federal block grants could reignite last year’s expansion battle.

The Republican Standard
- August 14, 2017
521 views 2 min

The Fredericksburg Free Lance-Star offers some helpful thoughts on what is driving health care costs up the roof — namely, the example of a scarce resource being gobbled up by those who probably don’t need it: VHI says that at least 14 percent of the 1.3 million visits Virginians made to emergency rooms in 2015 […]

Shaun Kenney is the Senior Editor for The Republican Standard. ...
The Republican Standard
- August 11, 2017
514 views 3 min

Surprising no one, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is providing neither affordability, nor care, nor a great deal of action.

Shaun Kenney is the Senior Editor for The Republican Standard. ...
The Republican Standard
- August 3, 2017
466 views 2 min

Idaho, West Virginia, South Carolina, Iowa and Wyoming are in the 30% range. Meanwhile, New Mexico, Tennessee, North Dakota and Hawaii plan on hiking premiums about 20%.

Shaun Kenney is the Senior Editor for The Republican Standard. ...
The Republican Standard
- July 28, 2017
465 views 6 min

We must craft an alternative to Obamacare with more care and attention to detail than the original law, not less, in order to provide a superior solution.

Writing about society and politics, including the paralyzing effect of bureaucracy – and how to overcome it. ...
The Republican Standard
- July 24, 2017
462 views 3 min

Sad reports this morning as the parents of Charlie Gard have exhausted all legal measures, it now being too late for experimental treatment.

The Republican Standard
- July 20, 2017
509 views 54 sec

Perhaps the only four minutes you will ever have to spend explaining to friends and family why government run services fail — every time.