The Republican Standard
- November 5, 2021
496 views 57 sec

The Washington Post’s Jennifer Rubin’s predictions on Virginia’s 2021 elections have aged rather poorly. Starting with her contention that neoconservative commentator Bill Kristol’s endorsement of Terry McAuliffe was a game changer. I mean, who could’ve ever guessed that it wasn’t. Fox News reports: Rubin, who has become known for her heel turn boosting Democrats after […]

The Republican Standard
- December 18, 2017
273 views 9 min

Best of luck convincing others that the dirty gutter campaign Northam’s surrogates ran on his behalf isn’t how he intends to govern.  

Shaun Kenney is the Senior Editor for The Republican Standard. ...
The Republican Standard
- December 12, 2017
262 views 12 min

Gillespie sets the record straight, slams the media narrative, and shows the depth of character anyone who comes to know the man will instantly respect. 

Shaun Kenney is the Senior Editor for The Republican Standard. ...
The Republican Standard
- October 16, 2017
274 views 6 min

…the editorial feels more like evening up the score rather than a true balancing of the record.

The Republican Standard
- October 10, 2017
212 views 4 min

…and the Washington Post poll showing Northam +13? Short reason might be that Republicans are tired of being complicit in misleading polls.

Shaun Kenney is the Senior Editor for The Republican Standard. ...
The Republican Standard
- October 5, 2017
297 views 2 min

The Washington Post has finally given up on the pretense of objectivity at this rate. With poll numbers that shock even the most jaded politicos in Virginia, not only did the WaPo poll show Trump at 33% (Rasmussen Daily Presidential Track Poll shows Trump at 45%), Justin Higgins easily pulls apart the numbers: Here’s a flashback to the […]

The Republican Standard
- October 3, 2017
259 views 3 min

No one is going to buy the argument Northam actually cares about gun violence, not while Virginia is suffering from a rise in violent gang activity.

Shaun Kenney is the Senior Editor for The Republican Standard. ...
The Republican Standard
- August 30, 2017
298 views 4 min

Democrats write the narrative; The Washington Post dutifully echoes it. Virginians would appreciate it if the WaPo would just be honest about the spin.

The Republican Standard
- July 16, 2017
410 views 7 min

To no one’s great surprise,  poll numbers for President Donald Trump in the recently released ABC/Washington Post are headed in the wrong direction — maybe. Well, it’s the wrong direction if you are President Trump or want him to pass his agenda. It’s the right direction if you are trying to slow, hinder, stop or #RESIST the […]

Cold Fusion writes about political realism for Virginia politics from a non-partisan perspective. ...