Should Jailed Terrorists Vote? Some Virginia Democrats Say Yes

Primary season brings out some interesting ideas, especially at the national level. Things like “Medicare for All,” “Forgive all student loans,” “Flat taxes for everyone,” and “Let terrorists in jail vote.” Wait, what? Yes, voting rights for incarcerated terrorists. Long-time Vermont socialist and U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders embraced that position at a town hall in Massachusetts earlier this week, telling a […]

VIGUERIE: Take The Wall To The People

Viguerie issues the call for Trump to take his case for building the border wall with Mexico to the American people via a primetime televised address, the technique Reagan used to such great effect.

EGGLESTON: Where Is Our Rock Bottom?

How does the Party expect sane people to spend their precious time on politics and be active members when Party spokesmen are calling Democrats race traitors and pondering “Why can’t McCain die faster?”