Squad 2.0: Meet the New Face of the Democrat Party in Virginia

If you want a vision of the future of the Democrat Party of Virginia, imagine a young man in a bow-tie screaming at the President – forever. Due apologies to George Orwell aside, Virginia Democrats have now accepted the screaming face of Del. Ibraheem Samirah as the public image of their party in a critical […]

Democrats Back Down: The Boycott That Wasn’t

Virginia Democrats were united. If President Trump was going to be at Jamestown to Commemorate 400 years of Democracy, they weren’t. But that was then. Now, as Emily Litella said, “Never mind.” In one of the greatest climb downs in modern political memory, Virginia Democrats have gone from “send him back” to ‘guess we’ll go […]

Min Wage Hike Would Cost Millions of Jobs, VA Democrats Undeterred

Raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour could put 3.7 million Americans out of work, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office. That didn’t stop all seven of Virginia’s Democrat Representatives from voting for a bill that would do just that earlier this week. “You know there’s not a a city or county in […]