Delegate Adams, Call Your Office…

Things just got worse for Del. Dawn Adams, D-Henrico. A lot worse. Already facing a lawsuit alleging that the Democrat seeking re-election broke into online banking and other accounts of a former staffer, emails have emerged allegedly showing that Adams had the staffer — a public employee — working for her personal businesses while on […]

RGGI: The Stealth Carbon Tax You’ve Never Heard Of

RGGI; it’s something that Democrats are going to love to talk about come time for the General Assembly session, but something that only a few will talk about now. Perhaps that is because the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative with its innocent and almost benevolent sounding name is at the end of the day a carbon […]

The Rise Of The Last RFK Democrat

For those of you who have been longtime readers, you know of my affinity for former Delegate “Fighting Joe” Morrissey — the Democratic nominee for the Virginia Senate in SEN-16.  Pro-working class, sensible on fiscal issues, and above all else someone who has lived his pro-life values in the public square in a way few […]

Lyin’ Larry Barnett Locates Local Police Look-Alikes

Whoever said “fake it ’til you make it” probably wasn’t talking about using fake law enforcement officers in a political campaign. Apparently no one told Democrat Larry Barnett. Barnett is making his second run at Republican Del. Roxann Robinson, the incumbent in the 27th House District, contained entirely in Chesterfield County. Behind in the polls […]