The stakes in this election in Virginia could not be higher. We need strong leadership in the Executive branch now more than ever. Our Commonwealth cannot afford four more years of liberal policies coming out of Richmond.
The entire Republican ticket – Ed Gillespie, Jill Vogel for Lt. Governor, and John Adams for Attorney General – will advance our conservative principles. Jill Vogel is a working mom, ethics attorney, and State Senator who has worked hard to grow our economy and protect taxpayers. John Adams, our nominee for Attorney General, will finally get the politics out of the current Office of the Attorney General. He is eminently qualified to faithfully uphold the laws in of the Commonwealth or Virginia.
The opposition supports higher taxes, expanding a broken Medicaid system, imposing a costly Clean Power Plan on Virginia, and limiting parents’ control over their child’s education.
Ed Gillespie is a man of action with plenty of conservative ideas to combat the liberal agenda. He has released 20 substantive policy agendas, including a 10-percent across-the-board cut to our individual income tax, a plan to support our law enforcement community, an all-of-the-above approach to energy policy, and support for charter schools in regions with failing schools.
Ed Gillespie must be elected. We need your help to turn out the vote for the GOP ticket today. Get out and vote!
Jim Gilmore is the former governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia and the president of American Opportunity.