Well that’s gonna wreck a narrative or two:
Gillespie, Northam tied at 44 percent each in Monmouth University poll: pic.twitter.com/S6Ao6oMwEC
— Patrick Wilson (@patrickmwilson) July 24, 2017
Of course, this isn’t news to most Republicans who have been following the race. As Northam’s political and financial troubles continue to mount, Gillespie’s calm and steady hand on the campaign wheel has been the precise antidote to the politics of disruption.
The question being answered in the Virginia 2017 gubernatorial race is simple: Who can best calm the environment?
At the moment, Virginians are responding with Ed Gillespie, and whether one chooses to believe that the polls have stayed relatively flat, or whether one runs with the narrative that Gillespie has closed an 8 point gap within a month — either way, Democrats are in trouble.
UPDATE: So some of the early poll numbers are trickling out. Some details:
- Gillespie is winning independents by 4 points
- Gillespie is doing better among Republicans (by 3 points) than Ralph is among Dems
- LP candidate Cliff Hyra is at 3 points — evidence that Hyra’s anti-pipeline and environmentalist stances are peeling away support from Northam.
More critically for the Democrats? Trump just isn’t doing for them what they thought he would do:
Compound this with Northam’s empty warchest and the Republican Governor’s Association pouring in $3 million in direct contributions to Gillespie’s campaign?
Looks like Northam is cruising to becoming the fifth “moral victory” since the November 2016 elections. Which begs the question: Precisely how many more moral victories can the Democratic Party sustain at this rate?