BREAKING: Charlottesville Judge Rules Statute Protecting War Memorials Retroactively Applies Shaun Kenney - October 4, 2017 Judge Moore came to his conclusion based on a “common sense” metric.
The Myth of Politicizing Tragedy Ikiru - October 4, 2017 We should try to win arguments about how to respond instead of trying to dodge them – and limiting our own ability to speak as a result.
RTD/CNU Poll: Democrats Split Against Northam on Statues; Gillespie Right From The Start Shaun Kenney - October 4, 2017 The question is, will Virginia voters have forgotten Northam’s initial stance to bulldoze the memorials? Most likely not.
The 2016-17 Family Foundation Report Card Is Out Shaun Kenney - October 4, 2017 Good news coming out of the Virginia Family Foundation as their 2016-2017 General Assembly rankings are hot off the press.
Northam Cracks Under Pressure; Now Willing To Work For “Narcissistic Maniac” Trump TRS Staff - October 3, 2017 We’ve gone from narcissistic maniac to “I will work with him” in just five short months, folks.
When Northam Says Do Something, He Means Gun Confiscation Shaun Kenney - October 3, 2017 No one is going to buy the argument Northam actually cares about gun violence, not while Virginia is suffering from a rise in violent gang activity.
Drowning And Without Options, Virginia Democrats Cling To Single Payer Healthcare Shaun Kenney - October 3, 2017 …is it because Northam is slipping from neck-and-neck contender to being on the wrong side of the margin of error in polls?
Fitzgibbons: NFL Players Should Walk Mile In The Shoes of Police Officers… TRS Staff - October 3, 2017 “There’s something you should know about police officers. They know what people are capable of in ways that most, thankfully, do not.”
Gillespie Delivers Serious, Adult-Minded Solutions On Health Care Shaun Kenney - October 2, 2017 When the health care economy is in a middle position between the free market and a regulated utility, common sense realism has to be part of the plan.
Coalfields To Receive $576 Million In Economic Benefits Thru Dominion TRS Staff - October 2, 2017 Over 2,000 new jobs and $7 million in local tax revenue for schools and deputies sounds like a good deal.