FALSE: PolitiFact Blows Up Major Democrat Campaign Talking Point

It’s not often that a major Democrat line off attack gets exploded by the media, particularly a month out from an election. But that’s exactly what happened to Virginia Democrats’ claim that Republicans voted to deny coverage to patients with pre-existing conditions. Rodman claimed that Dunnavant “wrote the bill that would let insurance companies deny […]

Sex Offenders, Thieves, and Illegal Immigrants: VA Dems Get Soft on Crime

For a Democrat, few tags can sting as much as “soft on crime.” For decades, Democrats fought the charge, occasionally joining with Republicans to pass “law and order” bills cracking down on crime. Those days would seem to be over in Virginia. Barely a month before Election Day, Democrats have publicly begun staking out decidedly […]

Pedal Faster, Comrade: The Virginia Green New Deal is Coming

It didn’t make many headlines, but a remarkable thing happened in Virginia politics last weekend. The Democrat Party of Virginia voted unanimously to endorse the Virginia Green New Deal — a state-level version of the national Green New Deal proposed by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y. Unlike it’s national counterpart, the Virginia Green New Deal has […]

Democrat Darling Called out for Deceitful Ad

It’s not easy to get a Pants on Fire rating from PolitiFact — especially if you’re a Democrat. But Sheila Bynum-Coleman, the darling of the left running against Republican House Speaker Kirk Cox did just that with her first TV ad of the cycle. Bynum-Coleman and her team were apparently trying to take advantage of […]

Delegate Adams, Call Your Office…

Things just got worse for Del. Dawn Adams, D-Henrico. A lot worse. Already facing a lawsuit alleging that the Democrat seeking re-election broke into online banking and other accounts of a former staffer, emails have emerged allegedly showing that Adams had the staffer — a public employee — working for her personal businesses while on […]

RGGI: The Stealth Carbon Tax You’ve Never Heard Of

RGGI; it’s something that Democrats are going to love to talk about come time for the General Assembly session, but something that only a few will talk about now. Perhaps that is because the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative with its innocent and almost benevolent sounding name is at the end of the day a carbon […]