The Republican Standard
- August 20, 2017
274 views 7 min

Northam’s position on Confederate iconoclasm has seen his handlers go from full-throated enthusiasm to a very rapid backtracking over the last few days

Shaun Kenney is the Senior Editor for The Republican Standard. ...
The Republican Standard
- August 18, 2017
323 views 2 min

…and so the For Sale sign goes up on the Governor’s Mansion.  Or at the very least, its policies. 

Shaun Kenney is the Senior Editor for The Republican Standard. ...
The Republican Standard
- August 15, 2017
287 views 21 sec

Troubles in Northern Virginia as embattled Democratic nominee Ralph Northam gets booed in Fairfax County over his support for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline.

Shaun Kenney is the Senior Editor for The Republican Standard. ...
The Republican Standard
- August 15, 2017
290 views 4 min

The Democratic Party’s obsession with abortion imposes a dangerous litmus test in an environment where they are clearly losing the contest of ideas.

The Republican Standard
- August 11, 2017
276 views 29 sec

Doing a deeper dive into the VCU poll shows that on jobs and the economy, the advantage goes to Gillespie.

Shaun Kenney is the Senior Editor for The Republican Standard. ...
The Republican Standard
- August 10, 2017
344 views 3 min

That AFP is dropping cash into a battlefield seat to tip those scales is yet another sign that Republicans see something Democrats don’t.

Shaun Kenney is the Senior Editor for The Republican Standard. ...
The Republican Standard
- August 9, 2017
330 views 22 sec

Forget thumbs — a whole hand has to be placed on the scale in order for Northam to measure up against Gillespie.

Shaun Kenney is the Senior Editor for The Republican Standard. ...
The Republican Standard
- August 9, 2017
390 views 5 min

While the left-wing media takes delight in a two-week old poll, the underlying numbers demonstrate more cause for concern than assurances for Northam.

The Republican Standard
- August 7, 2017
300 views 4 min

The abortion industry is terrified that more women are choosing to keep their babies, and is frantic for people like Ralph Northam to keep them in business. 

The Republican Standard
- August 2, 2017
311 views 7 sec

Hard up for cash and hitting the panic button, Northam decides to lap up the blood money from Planned Parenthood — $3 million in fact.