The Republican Standard
- September 17, 2017
487 views 51 sec

Two reasons for confidence? $47 million in the RNC warchest; RGA ready to invest more while Northam’s donors look to “drag him” across the finish line.

Shaun Kenney is the Senior Editor for The Republican Standard. ...
The Republican Standard
- September 10, 2017
502 views 7 min

Don’t expect national Democrats to throw good money after bad.  After all, why should they?

Shaun Kenney is the Senior Editor for The Republican Standard. ...
The Republican Standard
- September 8, 2017
457 views 33 sec

Gillespie sets the pace and the tone of the gubernatorial race while Northam preps his team to lean on third-party outside expenditures.

Shaun Kenney is the Senior Editor for The Republican Standard. ...
The Republican Standard
- September 6, 2017
498 views 7 min

Gilespie’s plan is centered upon two key aspects: Creating a higher education reserve and implementing a performance-based funding system for higher ed.

Stacie Gordon is a Virginia Republican activist and Millennial blogger. ...
The Republican Standard
- September 5, 2017
439 views 3 min

Two albatrosses continue to hang around Northam’s neck at the moment: Antifa and the pipeline. Gillespie’s law and order emphasis produces results.

The Republican Standard
- August 31, 2017
530 views 33 sec

Northam panics and stitches together a quick-cut ad while Gillespie sets the tone and pace of the Virginia gubernatorial race with law & order at the top.

The Republican Standard
- August 30, 2017
488 views 4 min

Democrats write the narrative; The Washington Post dutifully echoes it. Virginians would appreciate it if the WaPo would just be honest about the spin.

The Republican Standard
- August 30, 2017
523 views 9 min

Jennifer Rubin’s antipathy for Trump is clouding her vision. Gillespie has struck a chord, and he should be applauded for having the courage to do so.

Shaun Kenney is the Senior Editor for The Republican Standard. ...
The Republican Standard
- August 30, 2017
429 views 40 sec

Gillespie doesn’t waste time caging the debate, with an immediate focus on crime, illegal immigration, and supporting Virginia’s law enforcement.

The Republican Standard
- August 29, 2017
443 views 18 sec

The debate is raging — time for Virginians to have their say!